Italian Composer & Producer
Ed Carlsen
Ed Carlsen has always been a wanderer. A dreamer, even. Of faraway places and people, of a world to be explored. Perhaps it was growing up on an island, Sardinia; perhaps it was his grandfather, teaching him about the stars on warm summer nights.
Before becoming an acclaimed musician, Carlsen was a pilot, something he “really wanted to become.” Gradually though, he drifted; away from flying – “I realised it wasn’t for me,” he says – and all around Europe. Back to music too, something he’d grown up with and loved, and something that came back into focus.
Playing both guitar and piano, his early influences were diverse and eclectic. An interest in production led him to a degree in Music Technology at the London College of Music. The music he started creating was imbued with aspects from both of these two, disparate professions – the pilot and the musician. “Feet on the ground, head in the sky,” is how he sums up this duality, and his music carries a wonderful, creative dichotomy.